Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor"

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Abrar, Abrar and Akmal, Affan and Budiman, Arief and Antori, Muhammad Rio and Purnama, Windi (2003) Proposed performance appraisal systen for PT Pharos. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Abubakar, Abrun and Affandi, Aswin and Hutapea, Bistok and Siswati, Darna and A.A, N. Nursaiki (2001) Implementasi Balanced Scorecard Sebagai Kerangka Pengukuran Kinerja PT Timah Industri. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Achmad, Fathimah Zahra and Sudiana, Ian and Efendy, Rudy and Hanayori, Wita and Sinaga, Yohannes (2018) Strategic Human Resources Management to Support Business Objectives of Iron Bird Logistics. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Afriza, Eka Sri Dana and Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah (2019) Measuring and Comparing the Financial Performance of Construction Industry: An Indonesia Experience. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 19 (1). pp. 59-73. ISSN 2289-1552

Alfiyansyah, Alvin and Guswara, Anggi and Henry, Henry and Pramono, Teguh and Winoto, Wahyu (2011) Revenue Cost Effeciency Analysis Aerotrans. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Alinapiah, Alinapiah and Pohe, Danie Arellano and Soesilo, Ego and Aftari, Fransisca Dian and Yulius, Gustav and Saroh (2008) Performance Management System of CNOOC SES Ltd. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Alvina, Samantha (2019) The Effect of Right Issues on company Financial and Stock Performance. Project Report. School of Management IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Andrianto, Galih (2015) Improving Paxi Barbershop Promotional Strategy. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Anggara, Aswin and Hanartyo, Ernawan Dwi and Firliansyah and Tobing, Ronald Budikarsa and Novieta, Sylvia (2009) Indicative Valuation Report : PT Jasa Marga (Persero). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Ardhia, Denny and Rachman, Mangara Sebastian and Hanif, Muhammad and Sabaruddin, Sabaruddin (2017) Formulating Strategic Action and Sustain in Hypercompetitive Market. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Arifin, Mohammad Ardian and Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah (2018) COST REDUCTION STRATEGY IN DISTRIBUTION PIPELINE IN PERSPECTIVE OF CAPITAL BUDGETING: A CASE STUDY IN AREA “C” GREENLAND INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL CENTER (GIIC). International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 17 (3). pp. 7-16. ISSN 2289-1552

Aristio, Shan (2021) The moderating role of investor attrition on investor heterogeneity and fund performance towards fund flow on Indonesian equity mutual fund Industry. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.

Arvianda, Andry and Suhara, Ara and Yulianto, Putut and Rifai, Achmad Andy (2015) Warehouse Management System of PT. PHE ONWJ. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Asiah, Cemisya Umiakulsum (2015) Analysis Of Futsal Court Rental Profitability Declining Cosmo Futsal, Bandung. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Asiah, Cemisya Umiakulsum and Ismah, Fildzah Wilya and Syafridwan, Rudly (2015) Customer Loyalty Based On Gap Analysis Of Standard Service Quality In Cleaning Service Industry PT. VIDA Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Augustinus, Jonathan (2018) The effect of consumer ethnocentrism and consumer cosmopolitanism towards the willingness to buy of local and US Product: The Study on Young Consumers in Greater Jakarta. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Austin, Stevani (2015) Improving Business Model Of PT. Rudaust Tours & Travel Using Business Model Canvas. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.


Bairoy, Bernard and Budiani, Dian and SW, Dwisesanti and Rizal, Husni (2016) The Engagement Marketing Journey for IPMI- International Business School to Gain Sustainable Business Performance and become the Preferred Business School in Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Bandara, Udara and Bhola, Pooja Syal and Handajani, Yully and Wicaksono, Arief and Arini, Diah (2007) A Study on the Marketing Mix Development for Unilever Indonesia for Brand Minori. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Basri, Afful and Utomo, Bani and Hendrawijaya, Erwin and Febiani, Etsa M. and Muchtar, Ikhsan (2011) Five Year Business Plan for PT. Parker Hannifin Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Bayu, Mohammad and Rionovan, Pasha and Saryanto, Dwi and Fallian, Hismy (2018) Competitive Strategy Analysis of Mobile Phone Prepaid Voucher Distribution PT. Mitra Komunikasi Nusantara, Tbk. (Sales Business Unit). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Bisnis IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Brazer, Fransiscus X John and Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah (2019) Comparative Study: Financial Performance of Indonesia State-Owned Enterprises in Construction and Property Industry for the Period of 2009-2018. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 19 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 2289-1552

Budiarti, Ani and Ramadhan, Gilang (2016) Supply Chain Implementation to Optimize Inventory Level by Using SRCM at PT. Semen Indonesia, Tbk. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)


Callaq, Cindy and Akbar, Reza and Ahmad, Husein and Gabriella, Louis and Rezanaufal, M. (2016) Freight Forwarder Selection Optimisation By Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Chrismarth, Jovan and Kuswardhani, Prafira (2012) Review of Training and Development Strategy, Policy and Practices in The Commercial Exellence Division of Merc Serono. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Daryanto, Candraditia and Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah (2019) Financial Performance Analysis and Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 6 (3). pp. 207-224. ISSN 2201-1323

Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah and Kartiningsih, Donna and Lestari, Eka (2019) Effect of Firm Characteristic to Profitability in PT Indofood Cbp Sukses Makmur Tbk And PT Mayora Indah Tbk. International Journal of Business Studies, 3 (1). pp. 32-39. ISSN 2580-0132

Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah and Meriana, Meriana (2019) Financial Performance Analysis of Indonesia Pharmaceutical Industry before and After the Implementation of National Health Insurance. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 8 (12). pp. 124-138. ISSN 2201-1323

Devara, Cleary Xavier and Ilham, Dipo Nurhadi and Wiweko, Dominicus Adiputra and Ghani, Royyan Ammar (2010) Blue Ocean Framework For Restaurant Sederhana. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Dewanti, Adinda Rahma (2018) The influence of job enrichment towards employee satisfaction in pt cs finance. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Dewanti, Adinda Rahma and Varindra, Maria Renata Yan and Romadlon, Muhammad Said and Limpati, Raynaldo (2018) An Analysis Of Suitable Marketing Strategies For PT XYZ To Increase Brand Awareness And Customer Loyalty. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Dewi, Kumala and Andries, Ricky and Laksanahadi, Tjandra and Wardhana, Tommy and Setyowati, Yustina E. (2007) A Proposed project for Increasing the Value of a Land Property n Pecatu Bali. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Djaputra, Anton and Utama, Chitra T. and Setianti, Ikha Nur and Surya, Mariana (2007) Distinct Business Strategy for Bali Baliku Villa. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Elvina and Rosellinny, Gabriella and Augustinus, Jonathan and Rianti, Novia (2018) A Study of Product Awareness of Coconut Flour Towards the Future Engagement of Indonesian Market. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Fadhli, Fadhli and Jimi, Martin and Herlambang, Setyohadi and Lestari, Sri (2007) Balanced Score Card as Performance Management at PT. Cosmec Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Fadillah, Muhammad Zaenudin and Judge, Nasreen Anisputri Daud and Tumbelaka, Stephanie Tanya (2016) Evaluating Marketing Strategies For Le Gitt. Discussion Paper. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Fathia, Citra Anggia (2019) Comparative analysis on roles of the commercial bank and credit union in capacity building and social capital of community development in Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Fathia, Citra Anggia and Daniya and Syafira, Tasya (2019) The Perception of Jakarta Millennials on Indonesian Heritage Fashion as a Luxury Style. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Fikri, Andy and Dimara, Arius and Nawawi, Darmansyah and Riadi, Dwi Hanggono and Rosdiana, Rosdiana (2003) Business plan on oil enterprise (Technical assistance contract) of PT. Timah Tbk. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Firmadi, Anizar and Budianto, Bahar and Hartanto, Handoko and Martise, Tanti (2002) Singapore Airlines Indonesia : Revenue Management in Singapore Airlines Jakarta. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Firman, Fitria Astuti and Ruky, Ine Minara and Kusumastuti, Ratih Dyah and Kurniawan, Harris Turino (2018) The Relationship between Government Policies and Projects: A Strategic Management Perspective in Renewable Energy Industry. Pertanika Journal Social Sciences & Humanities, 26 (S). pp. 85-102. ISSN 2231-8534

Fitri, Achmad and Simbolon, Aladin E. and Harto, Budi and Muladi, Muladi and Soetrisno, R. and Koswara, Yuns (2007) CDMA Handset Distribution : a business solution approach for PT Aldira Berkah Abadi Makmur. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Galant, Denny and Nurjadi, Djohan and Maryani, Indah Sari and Ginanjar, Iman Mulyaman (2017) Optimizing Capacity of Nugra Hidratama Through Owned Brand and OEM (Otiginal Equipment Manufacturer). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Giovanni, Andre and Legowo, Angga Prawira and Yusdiansyah, Bayu Pradipta and Karnadi, M. Faby Rizky and Kamal, Muhammad Naufal (2018) Implementing Digital Marketing Strategy Case: Indonesia Data. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Girsang, Amat Jani and Ramdani, Ariyanti and Wiyata, Cakra Wira and Burhan, Sufri and Sanjoto, Widyawan Indra (2004) A Study on Bar Soap JF Sulfur 10% 100 gr. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Gowthaman, P. and Novianto, Dedy and Selandana, C. Harjo and Ariawan, M. Kurnia and Yuliyamin, Mulyadi and Haryono, Sri and Heang, IV (2008) PT Inco Talent Pool Development: MoR - Sor Feedback Process. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Gozal, Angela Gracia and Wiryawan, Arip and Paramartha, Diwya Satwika and Satriotomo, Galih and Wijaya, Heskhel and Sormin, Jefri Christian (2008) Marketing Research : Competition Analysis Focuses on Promotion Mix for Sikkens in Car Refinishes Industry within Jabodetabek Area. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Gunawan, Andri and Taufan, Erick and Narlurita, Atika and Aditya W, Haryoga (2017) Endorsing Employee Involvement in CSR Programs. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Hamzah, Rudly Syafridwan (2015) Customer Satisfaction in Cleaning Service Industry PT. Vida Indonesia Case. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Hanartyo, Ghozidion Taufiqakbar (2020) Effect of Standards Operating Procedures (SOP) Application on Employee Discipline and Employee Productivity of Simpang Raya Restaurant at KM 39- Cikampek Toll Rest Area. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Hardjakusumah, Anhar Ibrahim and Silalahi, Yulius and Khairi, Muhammad Rizky (2017) Analyzing Business Environment and Strategy Formulation for Sales Increase of PT Tanah Bintang Asli. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Harefa, Satrya H and Pambudi, Sugeng S and Suryanti, Wicahyani (2004) Dealing with Human Capital: Moving Employees from Back Office to Front Office in PT. Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Harjono, Agus Nugroho and Kamajaya, Debut and Nugrohowati, Dewi Utari and Soekawan, Holip and Fan, Tjong Kaw (2003) Entry strategy for british petroleum to penetrate the retail gas station market in Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Hartadi, Felix and Djohari, Hendra and Supryadi, Ronald and Sudjono, Sudjono (2006) Sahabat Group: Business Strategy Alignment in Achieving Corporate Goal. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Hartono, Aris and Damayanti, Devi and Fahreza, Fahreza and Setyawan, Martas Bony (2017) Co- Generation at Building Electricity and Cooling Provider. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Haryanto, Irwan and Rosantiawan, Ivan and Hermawan, Pudy and Tarnuzzila, Tarnuzzila (2017) Improving Warehouse Layout By Using Inventory Management System. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Haryono, Adi and Martin, Joe and Wisnuwardhani, Kiki Nitya and Nurkurniadi, Nugi (2016) The New Business Model Proposal to Reignite Growth PT Amprop Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Hasibuan, Aidil and Haryadi, Dino and Prabowo, Eddy and Himawanto, Fuji (2016) Linking Strategic Direction And Business Transformation In Pt Mcs Internasional By Implementing Appropriate Key Performance Indicators And Project Management. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Herdiansyah, Adrianus J. and Tanzil, Chintara Diva and Thirafi, Farahiya and Helbert, Natasya and Eugenie, Samantha A. (2017) Sustainability Culture Activation Program In Rabobank Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Herlambang, Asep and Parlindungan, Kokoh and Mulyani, Leli and Prima, Meutia (2017) PGN Learning Center. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Hermawan Rudi Maulana Sha, Agus and Simandjuntak, Imelda and Dewanto, Prabu and Maulana, Rudi and Pane, Shafril (2002) A comprehensive marketing strategy proposal for PT. Bintang Toedjoe Anticipating The Energy Drink Market Through New Product Extension From Extra Joss. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Hernawan, Brianca and Minabari, Fikri and Hastiawan, Oke and Pranandari, Restu and Tanudjaya, Samuel (2017) Commercialization of Integrated Farming In Cattle Fattening Business. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Hernawan, Indra and Sitepu, Muhammad and Tambunan, Paul Martin and Budisantoso, Tjong and Tambun, Toronata and Mudjadi, Wikandaru (2001) Discovering Corporate Culture PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Hilwan, Hilwan and Hominjono, Hominjono and Purwoko, Harry and Nurhayadi, Heru and Yuwono, Francis and Hariutomo, K.I Oentarsih (1999) Framework to Minimize Turn-Around-Time of Aircraft Overhaul at Garuda Maintenance Facility. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Huda, Muhammad Khaerul (2019) The Effect of Salesman Competency and Compensation on Salesman Performance with Loyalty as Mediating Variable: A Quantitative Analysis of Distributor General Trade in PT. Frisian Flag Indonesia. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.


Irtonugroho, Arindra and Setyoko, Braman and Prioneanto, Edwin and Yahya, Faried (2018) Market Analysis for PGN in Central Java. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Ishmah, Fildzah Wilya (2016) Evaluation of Improving Cleaning Service Marketing Strategic in PT. Vida Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Ismanto, Bambang and Siregar, Joshua and Idiyanto, Rivanda and Ignatius, Trisna (2003) Study on The Market of Coated Abrasive in Indonesia and Marketing Strategy Formulation for PT. Saint-Gobain Norton Hamplas. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Japar, Anda and Chow, Aswin and Iwanho and Ratna, Nina and Kasiman, Sukimin and Djap, Tefta (2008) Analysis of Acquisition Plan of a PRC based Manufacturer by an Indonesian leading food company. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Jati, Bintang Kusumo (2016) Relationship Between Profitability and Stock Return in Banking Industry. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Jayanto, Aloysius Adi (2021) The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement and The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture a Case Study at Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Juanda, Juju and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim and Nurfadilah, Dety (2019) PT. DNX Indonesia: The Importance of Service Quality in Indonesian Mining Industry. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 19 (2). pp. 30-38. ISSN 2289-1560

Jung, Jaewoong (2021) The effect of job rotation and training and development job satisfaction and employee loyalty in banking industry : evidence from industry bank of Korea (IBK). Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.


Kamil, Insan and Parlindungan, Johannes and Utami, Santika Budi (2017) Electrigas : Increasing Gas Sales Through Replacing/Converting Diesel Into Gas Engine Power Plant”. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Kardono, Bambang H. and Julianto, Herry and Petranto, Khaira and Loeis, Minaldi and Raksanugraha, Rizki (2000) Business Improvements Through Supply Chain Management. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Karjadi, Ade and Sitompul, Adven GH and Iskandar, Gunardi and Widiyaswara, Rama and Katili, Redin R. and Sidharta, Siswanto (2003) Hewlett Packard Indonesia: Original Inks Contemplates Progress Against Substitute Product Penetration. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakata Selatan. (Unpublished)

Kelvin, Markov Cornelius and Ansori, Rizal Faisal (2017) Reviewing Business Model Of Pt Mars Indonesia By Using Nine Block Concept. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Kim, Jun Hwan (2019) The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Using Ovo as E-Wallet in Jakarta. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Kimberly, Kimberly (2020) The Effect of Internal Social Media on Employee Engagement in Several Companies in Jakarta, Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Kristiarum, Agnes and Aliyanto, Aliyanto and Paul, Hendryanto and Putera, Pande Made (2012) Solving Operational Problems As The Basis For The Preperation For Strategic Development At PT. ATMII-IGI Center Cikarang. Project Report. Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Kurniawan, Gregorius Wahyu (2020) Impact of Marketing Activities, Marketing Budgeting and Brand Equaty on Distributor Loyalty An Evidence in B2B Market in 3M Indonesia. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Kusuma, Adhika and Kumbono, Advan Aryo and Sukmawati, Evita and Maulana, M. Mirza (2018) Customer Perception on Gramedia Store Towards Brand Transformation. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Lestari, Sugiarti and Hidayat, Gandi and Herawan, Wawan and Therik, Sandra Monica (2012) Organization Capabilities PT FENI HALTIM. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Limputra, Febri Wahyudi and Chandra, Benson and Setiawan, Gus Minging D and Soloan, Eddy and Nurtjahyo, Seno Adji and Jiaw, Hendra (2000) Business Plan for e-Travel Agent. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Lo, Albert and Parhusip, Arief TM and Sulistiawati, Erny and Siringoringo, Jefferson and Januar, R. Madya (2009) Medium Segment Commercial Banking Market Assesment. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Lubis, Andrie Oktafauzan and Puspitasari, Femin and Murdhono, Rachmadi Bagus and Wijaya, Suryadi (2017) Exploiting Demand Opportunities by Developing Collaboration with Industrial Estates. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Machsudi, Achmad and Siswantono, Budie and Suwito, Darmo and Hartono, Fanny and Setiawati, Lena and Santoso, SA (2004) Global Reach : The Road to Business Recovery. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Maharani, Cecilia Astrid (2019) The Impact Of Connected Car On Indonesia’s Auto Insurance Industry. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Bisnis IPMI.

Mahardika, Adhie and Setiawan, Arham and Sriwijayanti, Bintari and Adrianov, Reza and Kaligis, Stevanus Firman and Hudzaifah, Wafa and Micco, Willy (2008) Recruitment and Selection at WWF Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Submitted)

Manalu, Reward Daniel Delpiero (2021) The Effect of Word-of-Mouth and Brand Awareness Towards Purchase Intention of PT X in Jabodetabek. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.

Marpaung, Gadang and Wanagiri, Iskandar and Husman, Juliawati and Yatim, Mustafa and Onggowasito, Rescy and Suwono, Sidik (2005) Wana Artha Life : Strategic Positoning in a Competitive Market. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakata Selatan. (Unpublished)

Mishra, Anil K. and Tarunajaya, Chairil and Wardhana, Denny and Antonio, Megawati W and Pandey, Ricardo M and Wahyu, Teguh K (2001) Asset Revitalization and Business Strategy Plan. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Moenir, Herman and Syarifudin, Muhammad and Risani, Muhammad (2000) Revitalisasi "Karisma" Asuransi Kebakaran Terpadu dari PT. Asuransi Jasindo. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Muhammad, Sri Ginanjar (2021) The effect of brand image on customer's purchase intention: mediating role of brand preference and moderating effect of product innovation : A study in semen Indonesia group in Jakarta area. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.

Mulia, Yennah and Triasto, Roedhy S and Ananda, Makky (2002) How to Positioning Graha Medika Hospital as "'Hospital Choice''. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Mulyo, Arief Budi and Palupi, Dian and Lubis, Saidi Mulia (2004) Efficiency Analysisi of Bank Bukopin's Brances Using Data Envelopment Analysis. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Mustaan, Abdu Mujib and Ticoalu, Linda and Utomo, M.Hendro and Wahid, Marvil A and Affandi, Muhammad and Thiagarajen, R and Darmawan, Wishnumurti (2002) VW Golf from People's to Luxurious Car : A Repositioning Case. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Mustaman, Bambang S. and Hendayana, Jajang Y. (2011) Observing the Effectivenss of Lean Manufacturing Tools Applied in the GPC Printing PT 3M Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Mustiko, Bachrun and Pramantika, Budi and Kustinah, Siti and Prihatini, Ratih and Widjaja, Herman (2007) Reengineering Human Resource of Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Nadhila, Adlina (2015) Distribution Channel Analysis of Citra Hotel Legian. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Nasution, Biondi Ardiya Farhan (2018) The Casual Relationship between Customer Relationship Management Towards Customer Loyalty of Manhattan Barbershop. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Nasution, Biondi Ardiya Farhan and Karnawinata, Kenji and Randa, Sabila Putri and Abijasa, Sutan Borneo Jeremi (2018) The Encouragement To Access and Use Go-Points for Go-Jek Users Based On Go-Points’ Main Goals. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Nugroho, Arwinto P and Taufik, Inayat and Nurmawan, Maria F and Tarigan, Petra P and Sinaga, P Bonar and Kristiana, Rahel Pinta (2007) Bakmi Tebet : Sustaining long-term competitive advantage through consumer research and comprehensive business plan. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Nurismartian, Roby (2019) The Mediating Role Of Satisfaction In The Relationship Between Service Quality and Loyalty Case Study In PT Asuransi XYZ Indonesia. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Bisnis IPMI.

Nurmali, Enrico Yusuf and Usodo, Nabil Syaqizh and Kusuma, Novyera Annisa and Oktaviano, Rifqi (2019) The Study On Developing Competitiveness Strategy of PT. Bank Muamalat. Manual. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Nurrohmah, Chairanty and Firmanto, Lusy and Eunice, Nemytha and Pratidina, Riyanti and Rantung, Ruth (2016) Utilizing Competitive Advantage of PT. Penta Chemicals Indonesia For Market Expansion In Malaysia To Increase Value. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Pancana, Widi and Priambodo, Ichsan and Alam, Syaiful and Nurcholis, Tubagus (2017) Developing Business for PGAS Solution Outside PGN Group : Boiler Repair Service. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Permana, Dani Arief and Herlina, Herlina and Waty, Hetty Kusuma and Naim, Yosa Arfika and Zia, Ulhaq (2016) A Business Proposal : Pome Biogas for Electricity. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Pertiwi, Dian and Tedja, Harry and Pribadi, Iman and Kurniawan, Michael and Widjaja, Sendy and Linardi, Suryono (2003) Balanced scorecard framework for PT. Astra CMG life. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Poerbasari, Verita and Karmawan, Santy and Rydianto, Rydianto and Rialdi, Rialdi and Soedharto, Esti and Santoso, Budi (2001) Good Corporate Governance at PT Gobel International. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Pramudiatama, Ariya and Nahdi, Fahad and Saroengallo, Rastra D and Yanuardi, Ricky (2016) PT. Airfast Indonesia Private Jet: Business Growth Strategy. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Prasetia, Dery Isna and Siegers, Maria Inggita Belinda (2018) The Influence Of Human Resources Performance Management System And Service Process Towards Sme Lending Unit Performance In Food And Agri Bank, A Case Of Rabobank Indonesia. Project Report. School of Management IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Prasetyo, Mahar and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim (2019) Industrial Biogas Project Validation Planning: Strategic Business Initiation using Benefit Measurement Approach. Journal of adult education and lifelong learning, 1. pp. 83-99. ISSN 2467-7025

Pratama, Kevin Deniano (2021) Job performance analysis toward employee's loyalty in Kerjasama Operasi (KSO) Pertamina Eksplorasi Produksi (EP) PT. Bunyu Tapa Energi (BTE). Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.

Primawati, Daisy and Jusuf, Jopie and Ismail, M. Effendi and Nofradi, Nofradi (2004) Freshgurt Business Plan. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Prindhini, Andikajodya and Widjaja, Davin Grady and J.Soehoed, Raditya J. and Aprilia, Serly (2017) A Dredging Business Plan in Indonesia PT LIS Internasional. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Punta, Ery and Sethu, Jeganathan and Dewanto, Titus W. and Hanif, Marwan (2012) MNK - Suplay Chain Management. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Purnama, Agung and Kurniawan, Benny and Retnosari, Eva L. and Ferdiansyah, Irfan and Suyenna, Suyenna and Bahaswan, Syafik (2007) New Remuneration System to Improve Individual Retail Dealers Performance. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Purnawan, Agung and Muharsyah, Budi and Sudanika, Deni and Insa, Tharsikin and Soeriaaatmadja, Tubagus Hanafi and Yudaningrum, Sri (2004) IMC Program for BII Syariah Platinum Access. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Puspita, Andi and Hadipriyono, Eko and Farizky, Erlangga M and Sibarani, Fredy and Andries, Paul (2011) Marketing Strategy for Commodity Futures. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Ranadipura, Budiman and Firdaus, Deni Ahmad and Mawardi, Eko and Cahyono, Noor and Tampubolon, Tagor (2001) Scenario Planning PT.Timah Tbk Tahun 2005. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Raynaldo, Raynaldo (2018) The effectiveness of consumer loyalty towards repurchase intention and re-promotion of millennials generation in buying sneakers online in dki jakarta. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Rendrahadi, Achmad Taufik and Salsabila, Azuura and Adiprabowo, Edward Teguh (2019) Forecasting Of Business Financial Performance And Its Evaluation of PT. XYZ. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Retnowati, Endang and Rawidigdo, Nugroho and Susanto, Tony and Sulistyo, Yumei (2002) Turning PT. Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari into a Strategic Focused Organization : An Implementation of Balanced Scorecard. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Ridwan, Ahmad and Josua, Benjamin and Bunarto, Widiatama and Dermawan, Widodo B (2001) Business Oportunity Study of B2B Pharmaceutical Hub in Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Risyad, Denny and Pusponegoro, Indratama D. and Kusmanto, Janto and Lumy, Sandy and Gojali, Yandi (2003) A review hewlett packard's marketing strategies to increase market share in small business segment portable-notebook. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Rosellinny, Gabriella (2018) The effect of earnings Growth, Risk premium, and sustainable growth on the stock market value: A study on kompas100 index listed companies from 2010-2016. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Rosidi, Akhmad and Haryono S, Bambang and Sulaiman, Hanafi and AR, Joni and Nawawi, MAA. Andi (2001) Penerapan Manajemen Sistem Informasi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Manajemen Rumania Sakit Bakti Timah Pangkalpinang. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Salsabilla, Adinda Thalia (2020) Factors Influencing Turnover Intention of Millennial Employees a Study Within the Financial Services Sector in Jakarta. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Santosa, Alexander and Purnomo, Hari and Susanto, Johny and Pajar, Mahatma and Thaher, Mutiarawaty and Rachmoto, M. Reza and Sormin, Ramlan (2005) Project Frutang Image Assessment on Brand Personality & Association. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Santosa, Beng and Rustanto, Helmy and Somali, Irene and Vianata, Marshall and Wirawan, Roy and Jakop, Yayamin (2006) Creating a Role Model of Agent for PT. Nippon Indosari Corpindo. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Saptahadi, Arief and Ruiz, Neil Prudence and Winus, Winus and Halim, Adighuna Prakasa (2017) Driving Social Enterprise With Pedal Power : an Action Research Perspective. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Saraswati, Andini and Maulana, Ary and Habieb, Azhar (2017) Customer Attachment Center. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Sardjono, Amin and Kienata, Kienata and Gidarjati, Merita (2002) Improving Recruitmen System for Salespeople at P&G's Distributor (PT. Wicaksana Overseas International). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

SeTin, SeTin and Sembel, Roy and Augustine, Yvonne (2019) Budget gaming behavior: Evidence in Indonesian manufacturing companies. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 23 (2). pp. 258-269. ISSN 1410-8089

Shahab, Abdullah Riza and Erwati, Erti Srisanti and Lauw, Gunadi Christianto and Latif, Malla Octaviani and Sofyan, Noviandry and Pendrian, Okder and Purwono (2008) Redesigning New Performance Management System Post Restructuring Program. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Simanjuntak, Antoni and Nappi, Hebron Purdit and Ligawirady, Harlan and Setiawan, Endy and Taufan, Heru (2010) Business Plan for PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua (PMAD). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Sinaga, Gomgom S. and Sinaga, Hasintongan and Prakoso, Imam and Simanjuntak, Mario M. and Kusumawati A., Ni Luh Made and Lastiyanto, Wahyu (2011) Shop&Drive Business Strategy Formulation in Facing Market Competition. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Sinaga, Jernih Debora and Atmani, Selo Purna and Aryanto, Sondang (2017) Developing SENA as an Inspection and Certification Service Provider. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Siregar, Amran Irwan and Zaima, Baik baik and Anggara, Hans Prawira and Buntaran, Jusak Christian and Sefi, Sefi and Surawardi, Surawardi (2001) Strategic Assessment on the National Payment System of PT Pos Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Subagijo, Azimah and Puspita, Insanuri and Harlen, Jhon and Mugana S., Ringga and Suhartono, Suhartono (2016) Strategy for Achving One Billion USD Company in 2018 PT. GMF Aeroasia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Subhan, Ahmad and Susanto, Carolin and Sunyoto, Haryo and Kuseryansyah and Marwinsyah and Ramadhi, Priya and Kurniawan, Rachmad and Dandel, Sally Madonna (2008) Spekta - Financing for Electronic & home Appliances for a Business. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Sudirman, Johnny and Adisusanto, Raharjo and Utama, Sandi S. and Setianto, P. Iman and Ranty, Rini G. and Ermintati, Yoesidha (2006) PT. SHARP Electronics Indonesia Achieving Sustainable Growth; Electronic Outlet Value Proposition. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Suhandojo, Anne and Julianto, Hengky and Marcelinus, Ivan and Hutauruk, Margaretha and Sulaeman, Tani (2000) Extensive Marketing Research and Comprehensive Review. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta. (Unpublished)

Sukmoro, Adriani and Akbar, Amirul and Hadi, Fithri and Alcid, Gina B. and Telah, Greesja and Maelisa, Marcus BJ (2007) Caladine Baby Products Market Potential Assessment. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Sumandar, Feb and Indrawati, Rini and Widiyatmoko, Andreas Bowo and Yanni, Yudha and Taulo, Donny Williams Charles (2010) Long Term Business Plan and Future Strategy for Eastkal Supply Base Facility (PT. Pelabuhan Penajam Buana Taka). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Supardjono, Djoni and Syam, Edi Suardi and Sidabutar, Erikson and Sampurno, Sanrio Widji and Hamzah, Yuharman (2001) Peluang Pasar PT Timah Industri dalam Bisnis Perawatan dan Reparasi Kapal. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Supeno, Gunandi and Sutanto, Jp Thomas and Tamin, Kuswandi and Celeste, Rudy G and Arsjad, Sofjan and Swastono, Syarifah N.A and Said, Tony (2002) Repositioning CFC. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Surasa, Surasa and Darlina, Darlina and Amir, Irsan and Tjahaja, A. Michael and Juniarso, Andy (2001) Bank Syariah Mandiri. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Susilo, R. Bambang and Setiabudi, Dodi and Yennita, Yennita and Rani, A. Herzani and Nurmansyah, Nurmansyah (2003) Business Plan Mineral Ikutan Timah. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Syachrin, Alvi and Ismail, Nency and Widodo, Ronny Indria and Sanda, Vicky and Adi, Wiwied Widyasmara (2016) Mapmall a StartUp Business Model with Indoor Mapping Technology. Manual. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Syauta, Rezly Eskarlita (2019) Factors That Influence Investment Intention Of Healthtech Startup In Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.


Tanzil, Chintara Diva (2017) Key Drivers And Enabling Factors Supporting Corporate Sustainability. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Tjong, Cynthia and Rosellinny, Henny and Suangdi, Imang and Widjaja, Indra and Meiliana, Meiliana (2018) Reiventing Business Model of PT Indomesia System Intregator Prima to Encounter Competitive Market. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Tobing, Asima Margaretha L. and Syarief, Donny and Soepandri, Harlizon and Notoatmojo, Notoatmojo (2006) PT Polypet Karyapersada Corporate Strategy Based on Focus of Market Study Switching from Non-PET to PET Packaging. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Tumbelaka, Stephanie Tanya Claresta (2016) The Effect of Employer Branding In Attracting And Retaining Vivere Group Employees. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.


Untoro, Alice and Nugroho, Andika R. and Laras, Bambang Kanti and Brigianto, Rudy and Ariobuwono, Sri Bimo and Murtono, Wiseno Benny (2004) Balanced Scorecard Framework and Proposed Action Plan : Petrochina International Companies in Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Valentina, Shiska (2021) The effect of transformational leadership on employee engagement: the mediating role of feedback and recognition : a case study at PT XYZ. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.

Victoria, Bonifasius and Tjahja, Eng Kie and Surya, Hendra and Nasuha, Khairun and Rahardjo, Sinung and Trenggono, Wahyu and Haryadi, Yudhi (2008) ADHI EPC: Business Strategy Aligment to Achieve Corporate Goal. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)


Wahyudin, Paul and Mohamadar, Saliza and Segoro, Waseso and Soedibjo, Fx Djoko (2002) Marketing Strategy for Indonesian Barbie PT Emway Mulia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Warseno, Jarot and Noguera, Jose and Koeshartanto, Koeshartanto and Zaini, Mohammad Farid and Afandi, Rudy (2011) How To Increase the Adoption Rate "Study of Rice Crop Protection Agriculture Industry". Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Wibowo, Arief Yudo and Kurniawan, Ashari and Basya, Avisina and Tanubrata, Cindy Margareth and Arkadia, Yudith Agri (2007) The Potential of City Brandings such as Jakarta Great Sale in Stimulating the Retail Industry Growth. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Wibowo, Fadjar Andi (2019) Value Creation Through Order-To-Cash System Collaboration At Pt. Bukit Muria Jaya. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Bisnis IPMI.

Wibowo, Willy Budi (2019) The Impact of Servant Leadership on Employee Performance mediated by Employee Loyalty and Employee Satisfaction: a case study of Pt. Garuda Totalindo Jaya. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Bisnis IPMI.

Widjaja, Edwin and Setyanto, Budi and Kurniawan, Feter and Setiawan, Budi and Sutasurya, Yohannes and Arudi, Gathut and Sulistyawan (2008) Puspa Catering Services : "Marketing Strategy for Improving Company Profitability". Other. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Widoretno, Endang and Syafrudin, Iwan and Achmad, Muhammad Muarni and Rizki, Muhammad and Firdaus, Muhammad Wirtsa (2003) Pengembangan bisnis smelter sebagai implementasi bisnis korporat. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)

Widyanto, Albertus and Sutoro, Dwi and Suryani, Eva and Purwanti, Hesty and Sylna, Sylna and Setyawan, Wedy A. (2004) Understanding Changing in Media Habit and its Impact on Kompas' Circulation. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Wijaya, Andrew (2016) Redesining Facility and Storage Layout at PT.Moza Atmos Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Wijayanto, Aris and Ernita, Galuh and Koenaifi, Henry and Rusyadi M, Soleh and Imanto, Yuwono (2000) Good Corporate Governance : a Socialization Program. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)

Wiliasari, Martrifena (2019) Relationship Between Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Trust and Customer Loyalty at PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia. Graduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.

Wirawan, Mohammad Faiz and Prihanto, Yudhi and Pramesti, Teguh (2016) Funding Strategy Analysis of PT. XYZ Through Initial Public Offering (IPO). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)


Yudina, Dita and Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah (2019) Financial Performance Analysis through Value Based Measurement in Integrated Poultry Companies in Indonesia from 2013-2017. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 18 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-1560

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