Items where Year is 2012
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Ipmi Repository is an online archive service which is managed by IPMI Library - Learning Resource Center. Established for collecting, managing, saving, preserving and disseminating digital copies of intellectual output of IPMI International Business School such as academic journal, books, theses, Group Field Project, Community Involvement Project, Case Study, conference paper, and other types of research publication. The main objective of this repository is to provide long-term, public, open access and easily retrieve to the digital collection to support teaching-learning process.
"Knowledge without observation is nil"
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UNSPECIFIED (2012) Inventory Valuation: A Study of Practicality in Indonesian Publishing Firms. Jurnal of Riset Akuntansi & Perbankan, 3 (3). ISSN 2088-5008
Azmy, Ahmad and Satya, Andry and Hendargo, Fajar Ramadhan and Lubis, Musa Syarif (2012) Developing Performance Management Lecturer Based on Balanced Score Card (Case Study: FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Bustami, Noer Adham Satria and Ilham, Nur and Taufik, Muhammad and Biere, Randhy Octavianus Simon and Sagala, Whalfinier Andreas Sagala (2012) Improving Production and Eliminating Waste in CV Arya Duta. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Chrismarth, Jovan and Kuswardhani, Prafira (2012) Review of Training and Development Strategy, Policy and Practices in The Commercial Exellence Division of Merc Serono. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Febriyanti, Arifa and Adrianto, Augustnine and Septiadi, Deddy and Achmad, Yusuf Hermawan (2012) Advancing Indonesia through M2M : A Business Strategy Case Study at PT. XL Axiata, Tbk. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Kristiarum, Agnes and Aliyanto, Aliyanto and Paul, Hendryanto and Putera, Pande Made (2012) Solving Operational Problems As The Basis For The Preperation For Strategic Development At PT. ATMII-IGI Center Cikarang. Project Report. Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)
Lestari, Sugiarti and Hidayat, Gandi and Herawan, Wawan and Therik, Sandra Monica (2012) Organization Capabilities PT FENI HALTIM. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Submitted)
Lukman, Kamil and Pestarida, Lenny and Nainggolan, Lishton and Setiady, Setiady and Ronald, Yusuf (2012) L&T's Indonesia Circuit Breaker Market Entry Strategy. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Punta, Ery and Sethu, Jeganathan and Dewanto, Titus W. and Hanif, Marwan (2012) MNK - Suplay Chain Management. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Rahadiputri, Astri Daani and Handoko, Dicky and Rianto, Edy and Haes, Hari Wijaya (2012) Lead Time Improvement by Developing Review and Monitoring System : a Case Study at PT Pharos Indonesia. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Ratnasari, Amanda and Siringoringo, Albert and Siringoringo, Parlaungan and Paradede, Sunny (2012) Designing Recruitment and Induction Training System of PT. Rindra Bara Utama. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Rifa, Budi and Rahman, Hairrul and Purba, Hakiki Nugraha and Salim, Tamara Arista (2012) Distributed Electricity Generation from GE Strategic Perspective: GE Integrated Biomass Gasification as A Solution for Rural Electrification. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Soebandi, Aldo and Daryanto, Budi and Israr, Fanny Hafiz Ahadi and Arghadhita, Jan (2012) Machine to Machine Surveillance Camera Product Development & Marketing Strategy on PT. XL Axiata Tbk. Project Report. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI, Jakarta Selatan. (Unpublished)
Conference or Workshop Item
UNSPECIFIED (2012) Building Conditions and Facilities Improve Customer Satisfaction? An Evidence of Consumer Behaviors in Office Buildings. In: 2012-BKK SIBR Conference, June 7-9, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
UNSPECIFIED (2012) Consumer Behaviors and Customer Satisfaction: Any Value Created? In: The 2012 SIBR CONFERENCE, June 7-9, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
UNSPECIFIED (2012) Measuring Organizational Effectiveness: An Industrial Study on Indonesia's Listed Manufacturing Firms. In: The 2012-BKK SIBR (Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research) Conference, June 7-9, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
UNSPECIFIED (2012) Penerapan Customer Relationship Management Dalam Upaya Menjaga Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus pada Citi Trans). In: 2012 Seminar Nasional Akuntansi dan Bisnis: Perkembangan Peran Akuntansi dalam Bisnis yang Profesional, 27 March 2012, Universitas Widyatama.
UNSPECIFIED (2012) Value-Based Management Approach on Project Management: Empirical Evidences on Indonesian Firms. In: SIBR 2012-BKK Conference, June 7-9, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.