Items where Division is "Thesis > Bachelor of Business Administration" and Year is 2021
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Ipmi Repository is an online archive service which is managed by IPMI Library - Learning Resource Center. Established for collecting, managing, saving, preserving and disseminating digital copies of intellectual output of IPMI International Business School such as academic journal, books, theses, Group Field Project, Community Involvement Project, Case Study, conference paper, and other types of research publication. The main objective of this repository is to provide long-term, public, open access and easily retrieve to the digital collection to support teaching-learning process.
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Aufarifqi, Fariz (2021) The Effect of E-Service Quality on Satisfaction and Its Effect on Trust of One of the Online Marketplaces in Jabodetabek during Covid-19 era. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Chairiena, Alyssa (2021) The Impact Of Country Of Origin Image And Consumer Ethnocentrism Toward Purchase Decision Of Casual Apparel In Young Adult. Undergraduate thesis, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.
Christiansen, Nathaniel (2021) Distribution Effectiveness of Laboratory Equipment and Consumables : Study at PT. Hartech Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Dewi, Martinez (2021) The Effect of Commuting Stress to Employee Turnover Intention in Jakarta : Analyzing the Mediating Effect of Employee Burnout. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Faradisa, Safina (2021) Factors influencing intention to buy in a local instagram store in Jakarta area. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Hasanah, Adha Faubya (2021) The Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Playfulness Toward User's Purchase Intention of PT. X Business' Contents in Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Kamila, Shafira Dilla (2021) Analyzing The Effect of Fundamental Factors on Stock Returns: Evidence From Real Estate and Property Companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange From 2016-2020. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Kharismananda, Raynaldo (2021) Factors influencing youth repurchase intention towards local fashion products in greater Jakarta area. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Lisa, Hasyim (2021) Analysis Of The Factors That Influence Attitude And Its Effect On Purchase Intention Towards LVMH Luxury Fashion Segment Millennials In Jabodetabek Area. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Manalu, Reward Daniel Delpiero (2021) The Effect of Word-of-Mouth and Brand Awareness Towards Purchase Intention of PT X in Jabodetabek. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Pradana, Rivaldo (2021) The effect of motivation and perception toward people's interest in exercising at the fitness center (Study at the members of Kemang Fight Gym). Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Rahmi, Imtinan (2021) The Effect of Profitability, Leverage, Property Commercial Revenue, and Maturing Long-Term Debut on Property Developer Companies Performance: Empirical Study at Indonesian Property Developer Listed in IDX Period 2015-2020. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Samosir, Jhovancka Basa (2021) Determinant of relative performance before and after the acquisition for the acquiring company of non-financial companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange period 2013-2017. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Siregar, Muhammad Jody (2021) Payment convenience, transaction speed and reliability toward on customer's buying decision of Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Tesa, Achmad Raihan (2021) Determinat Factors that Influence Career Development at PT. Steelforce Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Thedy, Muhammad Raihan (2021) The Effect Of Cash Dividend Payment Announcement on Firm's Stock Price: Evidence From Indonesia During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Tiara, Lintang (2021) The effect of graphic design elements on product packaging towards generation z's buying decisions of wellness products. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Yusuf, Muhammad Rizky Naufal (2021) The Effect of Convenience, Shopping Enjoyment, and Quality Towards Millenials Online Purchase Intention At PT. Xin Jakarta. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Zalfaniansyah, Devita (2021) The influence of brand awareness and perceived quality on portia skin consumers' purchase intention in Jakarta. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.
Zaman, Hisyam Fikri (2021) The Effect of E-Wom and Trus on Purchase Intention of Gadget Devices. Undergraduate thesis, IPMI Business School.