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Ipmi Repository is an online archive service which is managed by IPMI Library - Learning Resource Center. Established for collecting, managing, saving, preserving and disseminating digital copies of intellectual output of IPMI International Business School such as academic journal, books, theses, Group Field Project, Community Involvement Project, Case Study, conference paper, and other types of research publication. The main objective of this repository is to provide long-term, public, open access and easily retrieve to the digital collection to support teaching-learning process.
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UNSPECIFIED Pertimbangan Etika Dalam Menerapkan Kecerdasan Buatan (AI) di Perguruan Tinggi Di Jakarta.
Sjahrifa, Cut UNSPECIFIED (Unpublished)
UNSPECIFIED Driving Factors on Organizational Growth. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Sustainability Mindset Discovery Learning: A Case Study in IPMI International Business School. Other. AMNA.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim, ed. A Letter to My Unborn Child. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Burga, Ruben and Tejedo, Isabel Rodriguez and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Critical Reflections on Innovative Flourishing Businesses in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Anti-Corruption Agent IPMI STUDENTS’ JOURNEY AGAINST CORRUPTION. AMNA.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Contemporary Exploration of Social Sciences in the Post Pandemic Era - 1. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Kiat Menjadi Pembicara yang Menginspirasi. AMNA Press.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Social Behaviour, Leadership, Sales, Communication, Organization, Branding, Feasibility Analysis for Business Management: Inquiries with New Approaches in the Post-Pandemic Era. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Spirit At Work. AMNA.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim and Rimacnozy, Isabel REVOLUTIONIZING SUSTAINABILITY EDUCATION Chapter 16 Millenials as Change Makers Supporting SDGs. Routledge.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim and Sjarief, Rachman Creating Sustainability through Talent Management Improvement. AMNA.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim and Tejedo, Isabel Rodriguez and Burga, Ruben and Chaudhry, Anjali Critical Reflections on Flourishing Businesses through Collaborative Online International Learning in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2022. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI.
., Meliyani and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on the Accounting and Financial Reporting. NCM Publishing House.
Basbeth, Firdaus and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Towards the Equitable Blue Economy: Quad Helix Innovation for Social Entrepreneurship. NCM Publishing House.
Baskoro, Tritjondro Dokumen Penunjang BKD - SK Pembimbing dan Penguji Skripsi/Thesis. Unpublished. (Unpublished)
Baskoro, Tritjondro Dokumen Penunjang BKD 20221 Information Management BBA Pro. Unpublished. (Unpublished)
Baskoro, Tritjondro Dokumen penunjang BKD 20221 Information Management BBA Reg. Unpublished. (Unpublished)
Budi, Fadhillah Indra and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Role of E-WOM In The Theory of Planned Behavior of Customer Intention to Purchase Lubricant at Shell Petrol Station. NCM Publishing House.
Christanti, Alvina Michaela and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim and Agristina, Rima The Influence of Brand Image on Customer Experience and Actual Usage of Digital Health Applications: Case Study of Halodoc, Alodokter, and Klikdokter in Jakarta, Indonesia. NCM Publishing House.
Daryanto, Wiwiek Mardawiyah BKD S2 Surat Tugas Research Methodology. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Submitted)
Habsjah, Ilyana and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Moderating Role of Religious Belief in Influencing Individual Donor Attitude in Jabodetabek: as Seen From The Evıdence in Plan Indonesia. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Affan Rizki and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Implication of Business Intelligence toward Organizational Performance with Moderating Variable of Culture and Capability. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim 5th CEO Congress Proceeding. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim 5th CEO Congress Proceedings by Amelia Naim. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim 6th CEO Congress Proceeding Book. NCM Publishing House.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar (BAP, Presensi, Penilaian) 2022/2023 Genap. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar (BAP, Presensi, Penilaian) 2023/2024 Ganjil. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar 2019 Ganjil. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar 2020 Ganjil. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar 2020 Genap. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar 2021 Ganjil. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar 2021 Genap. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Bukti Ajar 2022 Ganjil. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Collaborative Online International Learning 2023. Ruben Burga.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim A Journey to Transform Students into Implementing the Sustainability Mindset. Springer, Cham.
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim Understanding Communication Through Social Media Marketing Activities and Its Influence on Purchase Intention. NCM Publishing House. (Unpublished)
Indrajaya, Amelia Naim and Sukmawinata, Desfika The Effect of Marketing Mix 7P and Buying Decision Process on Foreign’s People Buying Decision’s Behaviour towards Travelling Domestically in Indonesia. NCM Publishing House.
Kim, Daewoong The Effect of Organizational Justice, Career Development and Work-life Balance on Turnover Intention and Job Satisfaction of Z Generation Employees in the Banking Industry. NCM Publishing House.
Lastrilla, Camila Isabel De Sequera and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Role Of Knowledge Moderatıng A Farmer's Intentıon To Adopt Black Soldıer Fly Farmıng: As Seen In The Evıdence In The Luzon Regıon Of The Phılıppınes. NCM Publishing House.
Lee, HyunJoo and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Competitiveness of Footwear Industry between Indonesia and Vietnam, and How to improve Indonesia’s Competitiveness in Footwear Industry for Export with Human Capital Management’s Strategy and Innovation. NCM Publishing House.
Nabhan, Indana and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Role of Innovativeness in Moderating Customer Purchase Intention to Buy Local Brand Perfume in DKI Jakarta. NCM Publishing House.
Naim, Amelia Research Metodology and Data Analysis (R0322) Berita Acara, Presensi, Jurnal, Penilaian. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Naim, Amelia Sustainable business strategy surat tugas, jurnal, presensi, penilaian. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Nelloh, Liza Agustina Maureen Dokumen Pendukung bidang Pendidikan Mata kuliah Organizational Behavior. Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Nelloh, Liza Agustina Maureen Dokumen Pendukung bidang Pendidikan Thought Leadership SPC. Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Nelloh, Liza Agustina Maureen PKM Cianjur SDN Sarampad. Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Nelloh, Liza Agustina Maureen SK Penugasan Wisuda 2023. Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Nurrahman, Muhammad Satrio and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Employee Commitment, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Retention Post-Assets Acquisition A case study of Indonesian Oil and Gas Company. NCM Publishing House.
Panudju, Giovanni Alexander and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim A Study on The Intentıons of Early Users of Metaverse As Learning Platforms Usıng The Technology Acceptance Model As Seen From In The Evıdence From PT. MarkPlus Instıtute. NCM Publishing House.
Pratama, Sasotya Laporan Abdimas Aceh 29Nov2022. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Pratama, Sasotya Laporan Nilai Mahasiswa. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Pratama, Sasotya Laporan Presensi Mahasiswa. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Pratama, Sasotya SK dan Teaching log Semester Ganjil 2023. IPMI. (Unpublished)
Priyandani, Rizky and Indrajaya, Amelia Naim The effect of hedonic and utilitarian shopping value on impulsive buying behaviour to airline passenger moderated by digital airport experience at soekarno hatta international airport, jakarta. NCM Publishing House.
Samidi, Sudarmawan Bukti Dokumen Pengajaran Prodi S1 Administrasi Bisnis Matakuliah Business Ethics. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Samidi, Sudarmawan Bukti Dokumen Pengajaran Prodi S1 Administrasi Bisnis Matakuliah Professional Certification (Project Management). Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi.
Samidi, Sudarmawan Bukti Dokumen Pengajaran Prodi S1 Administrasi Bisnis Matakuliah Religious Study. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Samidi, Sudarmawan SK Pembimbing Akademik. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Sembel, Roy Bidang A - Corporate Finance 2022 1. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Sembel, Roy Bidang A - Immersion & Colsulting Project 2022 1. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Sembel, Roy Bidang A - Immersion & Consulting Project 2022 1. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Sembel, Roy Bidang A - Managerial Accounting 2022 1. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen IPMI. (Unpublished)
Susanti, Yulita Fairina BKD Global Economy and International Business EMBA Genap 2023. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi. (Unpublished)
Susanti, Yulita Fairina SK Membimbing Desy. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Ipmi. (Unpublished)